Sunday, 1 April 2018


Julian BRAY  - VOTE YES X 
THURSDAY MAY 3rd 2018 
Stanground South Ward 

Peterborough City Council Elections
Thursday May 3rd 2018  Stanground South Ward

Standing his Ground for Stanground South Residents

Julian BRAY  - VOTE YES X  on THURSDAY MAY 3rd 2018 
Vote JULIAN BRAY  X  will WITHIN DAYS  re-introduce a mobile information service point for one-on-one Councillor surgeries (unbelievably currently axed by the dogpoo faction!). You already PAY for a community room in our schools, we’ll now properly use them.  

JULIAN BRAY – VOTE YES X  says: “Make no mistake, the current moribund ‘bedblocking’ party dogma bound councillors have repeatedly broken every one of the 7 reasons they championed in their last election legal document.  To get investment and public works completed in our ward, we must cut out party deadwood and prune back on wasteful City centre vanity projects”.  Fly-tipping, speeding and speedwatch resources need funding. Just watch me! 

JULIAN BRAY  VOTE YES X  will champion a local expert non-political stakeholders team including committed local volunteers, parents, guardians, school staff and business owners. As a local resident of some 18 years .  JULIAN BRAY  VOTE YES X with a team of volunteers has repeatedly exposed corruption, council overspending, public order incidents, and shone a huge media spotlight on those who would wish us harm or ill will.

Vote JULIAN BRAY  X  will continue supporting the  Peterborough Tribune News Blog and hunt down those who wish us harm or seek in any away to upset our neighbourhoods.

JULIAN BRAY  VOTE YES X   is deliberately NOT under the thumb of any political party, and free to act in the interests of all residents, will simply make a pledge:


JULIAN BRAY  VOTE YES X  will CAMPAIGN to RE-OPEN COUNCIIL INFORMATION OFFICES staffed by human beings, and to AXE ANY association with the US software data firm that wholly owns the so called Peterborough app, accesses your PRIVATE personal data at will,  and insists you sign up, and SUBJECT to legal sanction by the US legal system! NO one should be forced to use a computer or smartphone if they do not want to, or physically unable to.

JULIAN BRAY  VOTE YES X  will ACTIVELY support and seek resources for all campaigns to fight local knife crime, fly-tipping, muggings, endemic drug dealing, domestic violence, ASB and public order offences.

JULIAN BRAY  VOTE YES X  will  challenge savage cuts to neighbourhood police resources and seek to urgently remove premium rate charges for use of the 101 service.

JULIAN BRAY  VOTE YES  X  will PUBLICLY challenge all secretive in-camera committee decisions where the matters being discussed are not supportive of South Stanground residents and businesses.
Promoted by Morag Bray on behalf of Julian Bray, 17 Kedleston Road, Park Farm, Stanground, PE2 8XL. Printed by CPS PO Box17375 Oldbury B699FZ

Julian Bray Prospective Candidate South Stanground Peterborough City Council
Local Government Election May 3rd 2018

We confirm that concerned local resident and broadcaster Julian Bray is a prospective candidate for the vacant Stanground South Peterborough City Council seat. The Local Government Election is to be held on Thursday May 3rd 2018.  He is not affiliated to any political party and not bound by party restrictive dogma. 

Julian Bray edits the popular Peterborough Tribune blog home to the very active and independently run Park Farm Neighbourhood Watch.

Julian Bray writes: Having looked at some other candidates sorry efforts at producing an election manifesto specifically for Stanground South, you would have thought they would have credited us voters with at least an ounce of commonsense, and actually listened and understood the local issues and not just swallowed the generic 'one size fits all' party line?  

With the meltdown in both Tory and Labour ranks, it became increasingly clear to me and those I love and support, that residents of Stanground South (Cardea and Park Farm) are now really financially suffering along with many others in this divided civic debt ridden City. A mounting debt running seriously out of control under the conservatives.

National political party sponsored candidates are now more 'under the thumb' of both extreme left and right wing political zealots and ideological factions.

A question remaining unanswered by the local Tory candidate. Do we really want to import old style Northern Ireland RUC weaponised police tactics into our ward? Even the PSNI has very publicly distanced itself from legacy RUC activity.  

Westminster based political dogma and internal party squabbles, take precedence over tackling important hyper-local issues in their own back yard. Why?

Serious pressing local issues, such as greatly increasing homelessness, ever skyrocketing rents, tenants thrown out as the failed Universal Credit [UC] System is rolled out nationally later this month, and we see vulnerable people increasing lose their rented homes as the UC payments are not being made quickly enough by the DWP [DSS]. Cherished dogs and cats dumped as private and public landlords impose heart-breaking prohibitions on pet ownership.

Or marked down vulnerable claimants, many with disabilities, unfairly sanctioned by ASOS and Capita as crooked and made up falsified personal assessments are seeing motability rented cars abruptly removed and awards slashed. 

Stressed parents being targeted by schools demanding parents contribute ever more cash and resources. Other Academy schools accused of channelling public funding away from education in order to pay out £150,000 salary packages for some teachers.  

Social disorder erupting, crime prevention lacking, violent knife and gang crime on the increase, illegal minimotos, a lack of local policing as front line budgets cut, now we hear that murderers and rapists left free to roam without restrictions on unconditional police bail even! 

Councillors unwilling to hold regular consultations or surgeries (as they are mandated to do)  all these factors pushing other pressing local issues moved to the bottom of the pile.

But seemingly all the current crop of local South Stanground councillors worry about is counting out their increased allowances or complaining about dog owners and dogs!

Some have even taken to adding to the mess by spray painting graffiti notices on pavements or putting up endless banal notices on vandalised playgrounds, few children ever use the one in Park Farm as its unpoliced, no supervision or CCTV, and a regular home to winos and drug dealers.. when will they ever learn?

Public funding increasingly channelled away from Stanground and Park Farm into garish ill thought out and planned personal vanity and failing public realm projects.  Bridge Street is a rash of chain takeaways and formulaic restaurants.

*Cyclists being fined by enforcement officers 'working on commission' hired through a Wales based security outfit! How daft and brainless is that?

Meanwhile Sure Start centres axed, old folks homes vacated, libraries reduced hours and some closed and even the one functioning civic Key Theatre reduced  by the money pit Vivacity outfit to running cinema films, or if any funding  left funnelled into local councillors pet legacy projects.

Even the BBC is to give up on Peterborough and vacate their building and the Queensgate Cinema now seems to have been put on hold. Millions poured into the 40 year old pipedream of a lower tier University.

Julian Bray already has a very clear and simple mandate to call out those councillors who are putting themselves and their business interests first. Even Comedian Jason Manford avoided the City Centre and delivered act-as-known at the out of town arena, allegedly to get a laugh, citing the lack of City centre facilities.  

We seemingly elect party controlled councillors who even lack basic keyboard skills, have little or know business experience and unable to control and manage the wilder excesses of past and present council officers, some who have arguably wasted millions of public funding on hair-brained schemes, the dead trees (only this week high viz and rusty steel plates along Bourges Boulevard are typical of poor planning and decision making.

Long-term lucrative contracts handed out  like 'sweeties' then rapidly cancelled. These excesses all cost money and you end up paying more in council tax.

Deadbeat committee members quick to trouser the self-awarded enhanced allowances but slow to act. Many have been asleep at the wheel. Others who have become too self important to carry out even basic public duties.

All these are factors I will try and distil into an election leaflet  but don't expect me to knock on your door, or like some labour activists stuff leaflet through letterbox then  'knock and run' Unlike other candidates in this election, you have my direct telephone number 01733 345581.

I welcome your call and will be 'on the stump' out and about in your locality. You and I already know what is wrong in our wards and it will not be resolved by the major political parties parachuting in candidates or rapidly replacing some who have clearly half a brain, the sad individuals allegedly behind the gross and vulgar anti-Semitic rants that are becoming all to strident, and the increasing cast calling and character assassination that sadly seems to be blighting local and national politics.

It is a sad day when the Leader of H. M. Opposition has to have the front of his modest London house substantially boarded up. Today March 30th 2018 was that day....


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